fot. Michał Mroczkowski

Film submissions for the 15th American Film Festival are now open!

Stowarzyszenie Nowe Horyzonty wspiera 33. Finał WOŚP. Weź udział w aukcjach Znamy laureatów Independent Spirit Awards

As MovieMaker Magazine announced yet again in 2024: the American Film Festival in Wroclaw is worth your entry fee! The AFF's film lineup is headlined by two competitive sections: Breakthrough and American Docs, where our audiences select narrative and documentary features through the electronic voting process powered by the Votemo system. Directors of the winning films receive $10,000 (narrative feature) and $5,000 (documentary feature) cash prizes. To top that: the AFF is worth the entry fee, since it is totally free!

The 16th American Film Festival in Wroclaw in 2025 will be held from November 6th till 11th.

Submissions to the AFF’s competitions must fulfill the following criteria:

  • Produced by an American company (registered in the USA),
  • Minimum running time: 60 minutes,
  • Completed after May 1, 2024,
  • Minimum status requirement: Polish Premiere at AFF.

Submission form

Running annually for the last 15 years, the AFF has presented the best new independent films from the US at the 9-screen Nowe Horyzonty arthouse cinema in the charming, vibrant and multicultural city of Wroclaw.

Last year’s winners:

  • Sarah Friedland for Familiar Touch
  • Missing from Fire Trail Road directed by Sabrina Van Tassel

American features may also be submitted to our various Out of Competition sections which celebrate contemporary American independent cinema in its broad variety.

Submissions for the American Shorts section will be announced at a later time.

Submissions for the US in Progress program will be opened early in July, after the current festival call has closed. This call is open till June 15.

Send your movie and become part of this unique event celebrating American film talent film in Poland!

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